Łęczna-Włodawa Lake District 2011-05-23
Land of lake, swamps and rivers

The main tourist attractions  of Łęczyńsko-Włodawski Lake District are lakes (about 68) which are the oldest in Central European Lowland. These lakes are not only post glacial lakes but they are also karstic. It is hard to get a fix on exact number of these lakes, because part of them is disappearing slowly as a result of becoming overgrown and spreading of peatbogs.
The biggest lake is Uściwierz Lake (284ha) and the deepest one is Piaseczno Lake (about 39metres). The lakes attract tourists by their scenic location among forests, clear water and sandy beaches. The lakes having the biggest recreational values are: Białe Lake, Piaseczno Lake, Rogóźno Lake, Łukcze Lake, Zaglębocze Lake, Krasne Lake and Rotcze Lake.
They bring about opportunities for swimming, do water sports and also for fishing. There are many resorts by the lakes too.
Wild and overgrowing lakes are like paradise for water birds and for many other protected species of plants and animals. Świerszczów and Brzeziczno lakes are protected like reserves. In bounds of Poleski National Park, there are Lukie Lake, Moszne Lake, Krasne Lake and Dlugie Lake.
Near Sosnowica, Pieszowola and Stary Brus, there are located large groups of ponds. To this day, on some parts of them, there is keeping fishing economy. Flatness of area, which make difficult of water flowing, and shallow lying of the first level earth water, affect of being there many soppy grounds on Poleski area.

While spring’s thawing snow and long-lasting precipitation, the large areas are covered by water and they become even impassable. The swamps and peatbogs occupy quite large area of Łęczna - Włodawa Lake District. This is the area abounding with many high, transient and low peatbogs, and also very rare carbonate peatbogs(Bubnow Swamp). For this reason, this area is comparable with miniature of European tundra and foresttundra, forward areas on south-east, the farthest in Europe.

In 90’s there were created many places: Poleski National Park, Poleski Landscape Park, Łęczynski Lake District Landscape Park, Sobiborski Landscape Park, Nadwieprzański Landscape Park, and also many reserves and Natura 2000 areas, to protect the most valuable and the most characteristic water and muddy areas. In 2002 Poleski National Park, Sobiborski Landscape Park, Łęczyński Lake District Landscape Park, Włodawski and Parczewski Forests got status of National Biosphere Reserve called ‘Polesie Zachodnie’(Western Polesie). Now, many people want to create three-country biosphere’s reserve according to this in Poland and similar ones in Ukraine and Belarus.
